Friday, March 18, 2011

The worlds falling apart?

So, this is the last blog entry for the class that I am in called health, in this blog I'll be addressing a pretty stressful problem, the end of the world. Ever realize that in every religion, most video games, and even most lifestyles all evolve around things ending.

Even music is talking about the end of the end of the world; right now in Japan nuclear radiation is running rapid and all of the middle east is revolting.

Seems like we are in for one heck of a new decade; according to people are in a state of anxiety and stress from talk of the end of the world.

My advice to people out there is simply kick back, relax, and find a nice vault to live in.

Suppressing the gun

So I was talking to this random guy today and he was talking to me about how annoying people get and how his coping methods include but aren't limited to; Shooting guns at animals that look like those people.

-> According to, people shoot animals for several reasons; among those reasons is insecurity, for food, and last but not lease stress relief. Of course I didn't really want to talk to that guy anymore and quickly seperated myself from him.

Guess thats a nice form of Supprssion?

Thats not weird?

I was at safeway today and some guy was standing in line; I turn around and pretend to look past him when in reality I am just simple looking at what he is buying through the corner of my eye. He is buying a nice fat monster, like I mean a huge one about a 24 oz or something because this things is huge!

So kindly I ask, "Aw dude, do they have good monsters here?" Well, this guy just looks at me and says "No I come in here for cigs."

What a lovely form for a late teen to cope with stress then a huge energy drink and lungs full of Tar produced by tobacco.

According to and may other websites clearly say that smoking dosn't reduce stress but trigers it, in fact smokers are more prone to actually have a heart attack and live more stress ful lives due to the fact that tobacco is highly addictive.

Monster contains caffeine another highly addictive ingrident called caffeine, its artifical and on top of that cause stomach pains and cause more stress in your life,

Remember that next time you pick one of those up.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today's head announcment

This blog is for my school covering a lovly topic of stress for teenagers; and what lovely way to kick this off then with the number one source of stress for teens... PARENTS!

---> So my friend is talking to me about his parents and how they for some odd reason even though he is a A- student that he should get better grades. -.- I mean come on, I pull off each quarter with a couple of A's and B's and my parents love me for that.

As some of you may have already guessed; yes, he is a Asian. However, the most tense thing in the world is when your parents are yelling and nagging you about how bad your grades are when in all actuallity, your actually a smart kid.

Some world we live in huh?

Well, he is really stressed out and on top of all that he drinks monster everday as a form of stress relief.
Can't wait to see how this one plays out.